Climate Resilience Planning

Resilience planning refers to the capacity of  individuals, communities, and systems to anticipate, prepare for, and adapt to changing conditions, recover from threats, and thrive in the future. Communities that have invested in resilience planning will recover rapidly from natural and man-made disasters while improving the quality of life for residents and visitors.

Resilience Dialogues

The City of Mt. Shasta in January 2017 was chosen with nine other communities throughout the United States to participate in a national resiliency dialogue hosted by the U.S. Global Research Program and the American Geophysical Union’s Thriving Earth Exchange. The dialogue is part of a public-private collaboration to help local communities address climate-related vulnerabilities. The City of Mt. Shasta will work with national climate experts and the Governor’s Office of Planning and Research at the state level.

The Planning Department with select community members supplied community context to the group of subject matter experts and received feedback to improve climate resilience. A Mt. Shasta Climate Resilience Final Synthesis Report has been created for presentation to the public.


Climate Data

The City of Mt. Shasta relies on a number of data sources for climate and natural hazard data. The following data sources are frequently used for city policy decisions:

Cal-Adapt contains data to help predict the impacts of changing climate on different factors in California.

NOAA hosts an archive of all reported natural disaster damage in the United States: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Storm Damage Archives

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services has a wetland mapping service to help determine if wetlands may be on your property: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services Wetland Mapper